Update on Race of the Methow 1/30, 31, lodging info

Hi Skiers!!

  • Looks like the Race of the Methow 1/30, 31 is on!! See below from Pete Leonard-I did not see registration info yet, but will pass on when it is ready.
  • I have done a quick check on lodging and I don't see a block anywhere, but we got a reservation at
  • Winthrop River Lodge and Cabins , Chewuch Inn is also good, but had very limited availability.
  • On that note, I anticipate that the Spokane Nordic Cup will also run. Last year, we stayed at The Best Western City Center-Spokane and the location worked really well, and it was a good price-so I would recommend that one again.  I would recommend that if you make reservations, you can cancel them.
  • Dates for that race are Friday Feb. 12 (late afternoon sprint qualifier is scheduled)-Sun. Feb. 13-stay tuned for more details!
"Hello PNSA NCC-
I just got off the phone with our county health office and have an update with regards to this week's guidance as it affects the Race of the Methow.
Good news: the guidance states that we are okay to have events for low risk sports like XC skiing.
Bad news: the guidance still states that individuals travelling out of state for sporting activities are subject to the 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Washington.  (This was just confirmed by OCPH.)
As such it does not seem appropriate to host our friends from out-of-state for the 2021 Race of the Methow (unless you wish to go through the 14-day quarantine).  
We are excited to have an event for racers in state this year and are still working towards having it sanctioned by USSA.  Our covid mitigation plan is one of the steps that needs to be approved still, and it has been submitted to OCPH.  We will be updating info on the website in the coming days as things come together for the event.  
Thanks and hope you are well.
Pete Leonard
Executive Director
Methow Valley Nordic Ski Educational Foundation
PO Box 1063
Winthrop, WA 98862
(509) 341-4450